Hip Osteoarthritis - New Evidence

New Evidence for Viscosupplementation of the Hip

There has been considerable interest among Orthopaedic and MSk professionals in a couple of recent clinical papers which your team here at TRB UK hope will prove useful. They highlight the effectiveness of intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections in the management of symptoms associated with osteoarthritis of the hip. With the backlog of elective surgeries continuing to increase, and patients returning to clinics expecting treatment, this additional evidence reinforces the existing data which confirms viscosupplementation with hyaluronic acid is a safe, viable and effective intermediary measure, particularly as this treatment option has ‘no influence on outcomes of prosthetic surgery’1. In fact, it suggests that ‘viscosupplementation possesses the potential to delay or obviate the need for surgery in patients with hip or knee OA’2.
Hyaluronic acid injectables are non-destructive and non-immunosuppressive, which is of great importance in the current climate, given the common demographic of patients with symptomatic hip OA. In particular, when compared with the commonly offered corticosteroid injection which is known to be chondrotoxic, immunosuppressive (NHS England guidance), and can adversely influence the outcomes and timeframes of any arthroplasty that may be required, Viscosupplementation provides physiologic symptomatic resolution. 
Please find a link to the papers here:

P Schiavi et al. 2020 Efficacy and safety of viscosupplementation with hyaluronic acid for hip osteoarthritis: results from a cross-sectional study with a minimum follow-up of 4 years

G Gigigliucci et al. 2020 The evidence of surgery delay after viscosupplementation is increasing

Samples of our single injection option ‘Ostenil Plus’ – licensed for use in all large synovial joints -  along with Patient Information Leaflets are available upon request. Do get in touch via email on info@trbchemedica.co.uk, or telephone 0845 330 7556, and we’ll be happy to arrange delivery.

Alternatively, you may prefer a chat with one of our experienced representatives regarding any questions you have about viscosupplementation; simply click on the link here to select your preferred time and video-conference platform.
All the best.

Your Team at TRB Chemedica UK.

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